Remodeling the kitchen or bathroom? Having the wiring repaired? You’ll need to plug the holes before finishing the tiling or drywall. The professional in the video shows us a couple of tips for quick and effective drywall repair.

Tip One: the drywall professional says it’s easier to cut the hole in the wall to fit the drywall than vice-versa. Level everything before you screw on the drywall piece.

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Next, you’ll cover cracks left between the hole and the drywall piece. The professional used mesh tape first before mixing up mud with which to finish the patching.

Tip Two: mix the mud on a board with your scraper instead of in a bucket. The professional says “used” water dries faster. Add mud powder to the water a little at a time until it’s mixed into a smooth paste.

Note: cover a hole at odd angles to the original hole with mesh tape. The mud bonds to the mesh to cover the hole.

The first layer of mud is about strength, not looks. Tip three is about applying heat to shock the chemicals into reacting. About ten minutes should do it.

With these tips, you can do your own drywall repair and it will look professional.


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