Deciding what to renovate in your house can be tricky. You want to ensure the bulk of your budget goes to the most essential parts, but the little things can make a huge difference. Your remodeling team can’t just focus on the interior because first impressions are essential. Meanwhile, aesthetics are not the only consideration for improving your ROI. Let’s find out more.

1. Windows

As a homeowner, it’s easy to disregard the windows, particularly if they’re not broken and can function properly. However, your remodeling team should work on window replacements for several reasons. Aside from impacting the general aesthetic of the property, they also play a big part in the interior’s environment. Older windows may be drafty and allow air to escape, leading to higher energy bills.

Consider new ways of turning their homes into eco-friendly spaces. More contemporary window models will fulfill that purpose. Meanwhile, energy efficiency is not the only thing to consider for this upgrade. You need to pick the correct type of window. Double-panned windows have become more popular these days, but some people have opted for triple-panned options, which promise to reduce even more energy usage.

Considering how much you’ll be able to save over time, changing your windows during this renovation isn’t a waste of time or money. It may not be high on your priorities list, mainly if other spots of the house are in terrible condition. However, you shouldn’t write it off. Your windows could make or break a sale.

2. Kitchen

What is the most crucial room in a house? Most people consider it to be the kitchen because everyone uses it, and so vital to everyday life. Therefore, it’s the first item your remodeling team needs to consider for the project. The best part of renovating this area is that you don’t have to change everything to make it look brand-new. You can switch a few things, such as the color scheme, and develop a great new concept.

Kitchen contractors should help you get the kitchen of your dreams with simple changes, such as cabinet door swapping. They can either reface or replace them entirely. It’s a fantastic way to improve storage and teach your kids about organization. Next, consider the countertops because you can choose from different materials, which come in several colors and styles. However, remember to think about durability and functionality.

Finally, you must decide whether to change your current appliances. Some people like to remove their gas stoves and replace them with electric options, but you may want to do the opposite. New appliances tend to be more energy-efficient, but you shouldn’t spend your entire remodeling budget on this, either. You can buy a toaster, microwave, etc., after fixing the rest of the house.

3. Living Room

The living room is most people’s first impression of a home’s interior, but it’s generally not considered the biggest priority for remodeling contractors. After all, their job would be to change the flooring and the wall paint, but not much else. Still, you can change the entire look of this area with different furniture and better interior design, so it’s not a priority during construction. However, it should be addressed because it’s another essential space for your family.

Your remodeling team should also include decorators who can advise on the latest trends or help you create an area that doesn’t fall out of style. Many people appreciate modern minimalism when shopping for a new house, but others like cozy spaces that welcome people to spend time with each other. You’ll have to consider what you like best and select the pieces of furniture that will complement that choice.

Furthermore, you may have yet to consider changing the lighting in the living room. You can place an overhead lamp, a chandelier, or dimmer switches. Different kinds of lighting could help create the space you crave. Additionally, you can add a few tiny bright spots to illuminate artwork, setting your property apart during a sale.


When people think about getting a remodeling team and renovating their homes, they tend to go for the most noticeable parts, such as paint, cabinets, furniture, flooring, etc. However, a remodel should make your home more comfortable, not just pretty. You need to get heating and air conditioning contractors to check your system. It may be in dire need of a total replacement or some maintenance.

HVAC is the kind of aspect of a house that people disregard until it stops working. That’s when they rush and try to find a quick fix. Therefore, it’s essential not to forget it during your remodel, especially if you plan to sell. As mentioned before, new appliances are much more energy-efficient, so upgrading could be in your best interest, even if you don’t want to put your home on the market. However, saving money on energy bills is not the only benefit.

New systems also improve the quality of air in each room, which will be excellent for anyone with allergies and respiratory issues in the house. However, don’t buy just any HVAC model that looks great and comes with a discount. Each home is different and requires specific settings, so talk to the contractors and get what they suggest so it can be installed easily.

5. Roofing

Which aspect of your house have you ignored for several years? Roofing is usually the answer because it’s a part of the structure that doesn’t require much supervision. Additionally, a new roof should last decades without showing any signs of trouble. However, you need to consider whether your remodeling team should repair or replace it with another model. Local roofing services can help you make that decision.

First, roofing helps with the curb appeal of a house. It’s more important than most people imagine. Look outside and check for loose shingles, water stains, etc. If you notice anything, others will, too, and it’ll affect your property’s value. It could ruin a sale because buyers these days are not looking for fixer-uppers. Anyone who can afford a home wants it ready to move in.

Replacing a roof may be a good idea. However, you can’t pick just any material or design. You must think about cohesion with the rest of your home. Durability and longevity are factors to take into account. The weather in your region will also play a role, but your budget as well. Remember that the most expensive option is not always the best.

6. Painting

Picking the new colors of your home is one of the most exciting parts of a renovation. You can change the exterior and interior to fit your taste. There’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make a property look brand-new, but don’t go overboard with strange colors. There’s a reason why shades of white and warm tones are the most popular options.

Darker colors make rooms look smaller, which is why they’re not picked often. Strange shades are uncommon because most buyers don’t want a funky house. You can only choose the most daring options in bedrooms, but never the primary suite. A great group of painters should be able to recommend suitable choices, especially if you’ve already started working with your remodeling team on other aspects.

Another thing to consider is the paint quality. It may be tempting to pick cheap options, but a different brand could last longer and look better, even if it’s pricier. Choosing the right quality is essential, especially for the exterior, because the weather will affect this material quickly unless you find the right one and know when to add a new coat.

7. Garage

The garage is often overlooked during remodeling as well because it’s considered a storage place for tools and vehicles. However, you need to consider the safety of your items. Additionally, your garage door plays a big part in the curb appeal of your property, so you may need to look for local garage door repair to set things right. A new coat of paint or a complete replacement may be in order.

Meanwhile, your remodeling team should advise on decluttering because it wouldn’t make sense to fix things, paint, and arrange only to place the same items on top. People accumulate too much stuff over the years that ends up in the garage when it should be thrown out or donated instead. Get your team to start sorting and pick what needs to go. They could find areas in the garage that need repair, such as wall holes.

Afterward, consider your storage options. For example, people like to have a special place for their tools in the garage. You can make a special desk for tinkering and add a wall to hang your tools on. However, it would be hard to do that without any space. Think about the room and how much your cars occupy, and plan accordingly with your contractors. Tip: make sure you can move around easily.

8. Landscaping

It’s time to consider your garden. While the main structure of the house is the most significant, the exterior part will make a big difference. Having an overgrown lawn with ugly furniture or subpar hardscaping reduces your curb appeal. First impressions are important. People will think you don’t care about your property if your garden is unkempt.

However, you must determine exactly what you want before moving forward. Hire a landscaper and get their advice on how it should turn out. That way, this professional can plan to bring proper lawn equipment and materials. Remember to pick simple options if you don’t have time to do maintenance afterward. Otherwise, you can schedule regular appointments with your remodeling team for landscaping.

You’ll also need to choose plants and hardscaping elements that complement the style of your home and create a cohesive look. The landscape must also be functional, especially if you plan to have parties and areas for children to play. All these things should be discussed with the renovators so they can design the perfect garden for your needs.

9. Patio

After landscaping, you need to consider another aspect of the exterior: the patio. You’ve probably already thought about adding a new concrete patio to make more entertainment spaces, but it’s time to act. Get your remodeling team to work with landscapers so the final result can be just as beautiful. However, consider exactly what you want to do in each spot.

For example, some homeowners add a new patio that becomes an outdoor dining area. You may want to make a brick oven instead. Others prefer to add comfortable seating for afternoon tea and conversation with the neighbors. You need to have these things in mind and make a choice before the contractor starts working. However, don’t just build it because it sounds pretty.

Remodeling needs to have a purpose. This renovation will be a waste of money if you’re not planning to use your patio often. Imagine what you’ll do with such space, like reading or hosting a party. Moreover, make sure there’s enough space to add a few plants and decorations. Functionality should meet with aesthetics in this case.

10. Deck

Depending on your house’s structure, you may need to choose between a patio or a deck. Decks are elevated areas attached to the main home. Patios can also be extensions, or they can be paved somewhere else. Many properties in the United States are elevated, so decks are the only choice. You may have a nice little porch, but composite deck builders can help you extend what you need or create a special area at the back of the house.

However, consider your goals for the deck. Is it indispensable, or is it something you’ve always desired? Will it complement the property’s style? Will it increase the curb appeal? If the answer to these questions is affirmative, you can move ahead. Always refer to professionals for suggestions to prevent a deck from looking out of place.

This area can have the same uses as a patio, but remember that decks can also have roofs, so you won’t have to stop your outdoor party completely if it rains. Additionally, decks have a higher return on investment, but they’re also more expensive to maintain. Consider both options thoroughly before moving forward.

Now that you understand everything your remodeling team should oversee, it’s time to call them and plan a schedule. Remember, you can go as slowly as you want. Renovation shouldn’t be all or nothing. Take your time, decide what will work, and enjoy the journey of transforming your home.

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